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(Chinese) Working as An Anthropologist: D and His Art Practices | 像人类学家一样工作:D和他的艺术实践
This essay was originally written for ARTCO "Anthropology and Art" special issue, August 2019. Due to some reasons, it only appeared on...

(Chinese) Fieldwork and Photography: Historic and Contemporary Practices beyond Anthropology | 田野调查与
原文發表於《中國攝影》2018年8月刊。 The essay was originally published in Chinese Photography, Issue 8, 2018. 在我近十年的人類學學習中,田野調查(fieldwork)恐怕是課上講得最多、課余最常...

Capitalist Realism through Contemporary Photography: A Critical Anticipation | 當代攝影與資本主義現實主義的批判姿態
Inspired by the Capitalist Realism movement in the 1960s German carried out by Sigmar Polke, Gerhard Richter and Konrad Lueg (Konrad...

(Chinese) Photography as Process: A Review on The Untimely Apparatus of Two Amateur Photographers |
本文所用作品圖片均由三影堂攝影藝術中心提供 原文發表於圖蟲網“讀立”攝影批評: 林博彥與黃承聰在三影堂展覽現場,王品然攝,2015 用三台改造過後的攝影儀器[1]挑戰既有的攝影觀念,是2016...
A review of Building a History of Experimental Photography of Ruins in Chinese Demolition
Originally published via “A philosopher who has evolved his entire...
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